Set rules for your form - Docs Editors Help

");return(new DOMParser).parseFromString(Xc(a),"text/html").body.children[0]} function vg(a,b){if(!a)return wc;var c=document.createElement("div").style,d=yg(a);qb(d,function(e){var f=F.yd&&e in …

11 Best Google Forms Add-Ons for Productivity | CloudApp

Google Forms Add-ons are an excellent way to upgrade and improve this essential free software. Google Forms is the premier free software for creating surveys, questionnaires, polls, and quizzes.

Example of how to redirect a web page in HTML

To tell website visitors and search engines that your web page has permanently moved to a new location with equivalent content use a 301 redirect. The code “301” is interpreted as “moved permanently”. …

How to center 'tags has-addons' ? · Issue #1109 · jgthms/bulma · GitHub

How to center 'tags has-addons' ? #1109 Comments Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub.

6 craftsmandigital/hugo-datarekrutt: Datarekrutt, The educational site for

hugo-datarekrutt Datarekrutt, The educational site for the data noobs The site is based on this theme.

GitHub - julianoappelklein/hokus: A modern CMS for Hugo

A CMS for Hugo to run on your computer. No hosting fees are required. Alpha Warning: Hokus is still a work in progress and some awesome features are not yet ready.

In this post, I outline how I develop and run this blog site. I briefly explain my technology choices and give detailed instructions about how to use the resulting stack to create such a project.


Drive GMail Calendar Photo Keep YouTube Pocket GitHub GitHub vimium Finn Facebook DinSide Hugo YahooMail FinViz Nav Hugo lokal test server Hugo Academic experiment

Debet og kredit - enkelt forklart | Enkeltmannsforetak

Leser du dette, er sjansen stor for at du planlegger å føre regnskap for aller første gang. En verden full av tilsynelatende uforståelige begreper for en stakkars grunder.

6 Facebooks hjelpesenter

How do I enroll my charitable organization with Facebook Payments?shareShare ArticleFacebook fundraising and donations tools are only available to charitable organizations based in certain locations.


How do I add a donate button to my charity's Facebook Page?In order to add a donate button to your Page, you'll first need to be a Page admin for your organization's Facebook Page. To add a donate …


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[Betaling] Nettbetaling for turer og aktiviteter - slik kommer du i gang –

Har du turer, kurs eller aktiviteter med deltakeravgift? Ønsker du at deltakerne skal betale via nett når de melder seg på? Vi har nå integrert en betalingsløsning kalt Stripe i nye Sherpa, som raskt …

Edit fiddle - JSFiddle

Created and maintained by Piotr and Oskar. All code belongs to the poster and no license is enforced. JSFiddle or its authors are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind during …

All Bulma CSS classes list

Create Bulma templates in minutes Stop wasting your time creating the same components from scratch. Use the capabilities of our builder in working with the Bulma 0.7.5 CSS framework to speed up your …


Everything you need to start with Bulma-extensions. There are several ways to get started with Bulma-extensions. You can either:

Elevo - Construisez votre culture de management

Modernisez votre suivi des talents… allez au delà des entretiens Vous souhaitez moderniser en profondeur le suivi de la performance dans votre organisation ? Les thèmes évoqués vous …